Haha! So I know that we are already 11 days into the new year, but I have been busy working on a few resolutions. So far so good :) 1. Mental heath 2. Alcohol consumption down 3. Saving $
I know that #3 is part of this blog but last year was a difficult one. And trying to save money near the holidays is almost impossible for our family. Too much that we want to do and not enough money to do it. That is always been our battle.
1. Mental health: has been ok, my spirits are up, hubby and I are talking more.
2. I have only had 1 drink since last year.
3. Still working on that one...and although I have not put anything into savings I have been deal shopping instead of paying retail prices.
So before Christmas hubby and I were talking new phones but he is not really into phones as long as it does what he wants it to: Call, text, online. He previously had the iPhone, I am not a fan at all. I am an Android, and I have wanted the Samsung Galaxy S3. So the first week of January his brother informed us that it was on sale at Staples for only $50!!! I jumped at it! So now we are both on Android with the Samsung Galaxy S3.
These are not our actual phones, photo credit: The Telegraph
I got the white and hubby got the blue.